$100k Investment

Build a $100k Investment Portfolio with as
little as $100, as fast as possible.

Build a $100k Investment Portfolio with as little as $100, as fast as possible.

Your Roadmap to Establishing a $100k Portfolio

Master the optimal setup for achieving $100k swiftly.

Explore top-notch investment opportunities that mitigate guesswork and reduce risk.

Develop a systematic approach to effortlessly expand your investment portfolio.

Access the financial freedom framework that should have been part of your education but wasn't.

“Acquiring your first $100k is a battle,

which is why you must do whatever it takes to attain it.”

What's Included

Level 1: Let’s Get Started
Level 1: Let’s Get Started
  • Discover what it actually takes to build a 100k portfolio
  • Explore my investment portfolio with actual numbers
  • Learn how to manage risk effectively
  • Master the art of leveraging compounding
Level 1 (4 Lessons)
Level 2 (4 Lessons)
Level 2: What Investing Really Is
Level 2: What Investing Really Is
  • Gain insight into how and when the stock market moves.
  • Explore the advantages of fractional investing.
  • Uncover the truth about dividends and their utilization.
  • Learn about investments that consistently yield results
Level 3: The power of Indexes
Level 3: The power of Indexes
  • Harness the power of ETFs and indexes to maximize returns.
  • Discover how to save tens of thousands in fees.
  • Learn to leverage accumulation funds to your advantage.
  • Master the art of hedging your investments against currency risk.
Level 3 (4 Lessons)
Level 4 (4 Lessons)
Level 4: Best Accounts
Level 4: Best Accounts
  • Discover the best accounts to open for fast investment growth
  • Unlock the optimal order for funding your accounts.
  • Learn strategies to save hundreds of thousands in taxes
  • Receive walkthroughs of every recommended platform
Level 5: The $100k Play
Level 5: The $100k Play
  • Learn the investments to buy to get the best results
  • See what I'm buying in my portfolio to grow quickly
  • Learn how to set an investment goal you'll smash through
  • Discover how to rebalance your portfolio
Level 5 (4 Lessons)
Level 6 (4 Lessons)
Level 6: Double Down
Level 6: Double Down
  • Learn how to accelerate your progress and save years of your life from working:
  • Explore 5 side hustles I've personally used to speed up the process.
  • Discover strategies to leverage bonuses and double your returns.
  • Unlock an upward strategy that will simplify investing for you.

See How Your Monthly Investment Can
Transform Your Future

This could make over a $1.6 million difference to your life

Left in the bank = $25,238
Invested = $47,348
Difference: $22, 110

Left in the bank = $53,101
Invested = $155,878

Left in the bank = $83,863
Invested = $407,114
Difference: $323,281

Left in the bank = $37,857
Invested = $70,648
Difference: $32,791

Left in the bank = $79,652
Invested = $155,878

Left in the bank = $125,794
Invested = $610,671
Difference: $484,877

Left in the bank = $63,095
Invested = $117,746
Difference: $54,651

Left in the bank = $132,753
Invested = $389,695

Left in the bank = $209,657
Invested = $1,017,785
Difference: $808,128

Left in the bank = $126,190
Invested = $235,493
Difference: $109,303

Left in the bank = $265,507
Invested = $779,390
Difference: $513,883

Left in the bank = $419,315
Invested = $2,035,571
Difference: $1,616,256

Let's build your 100k portfolio

The programme includes everything you need, in the right order.

Join now for only

Only 5 Spots Remaining
$399 $299
  • Over 24 video lessons (3 hours of content)
  • Step-by-step breakdown (beginner friendly)
  • More than a decade worth of experience
  • See inside all of my investing accounts
  • FREE Signed copy of "The Everyday Investor"
  • Weekly 1 on 1 sessions during the programme


Before discovering Yoma, I struggled to grasp where to begin. Upon encountering his YouTube channel and enrolling in his course, I've consistently expanded my portfolio monthly while minimizing risks!
Yoma is very knowledgable, plus he's able to communicate business advice in a way that's easy to understand. I will definitely be in touch with him as my commercial requirements grow.
Helped change my paradigm. Happy I opted for this
I appreciate all your hard work, Yoma. After getting your book, I decided to sign up for your course. The amount of knowledge I gained is beyond what I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams. I will definitely be recommending this to my friends and family.
Thanks for sharing the tips about the SIPP. I've been able to add an extra $4,000, thanks to the tax incentives that come with using a SIPP.
Appreciate your clear explanation. I was concerned it might be too complex, but you broke it down in a straightforward manner, making it easy to understand and set up!
Jimmy Bartney